On October 7, 2020, the Iowa Court of Appeals issued a Ruling in the matter of the Sandahl Trust (2017). Craig Sandahl executed the Sandahl Trust which was a Revocable Grantor Trust in 1993. The Trust was funded with substantially all of Craig Sandahl’s assets. The Trust was last restated by a document dated August 14, 2017, which was two months before Craig Sandahl passed away. The Trust distributed assets to two groups of recipients. One group was the “Descendant’s Trust” of which Craig’s children’s lineal descendants were the beneficiaries and the other group was given to the Community Foundation
More Legal News & Information... →On June 12, 2020, the Supreme Court of Iowa issued a decision in the Harold Youngblut vs. Leonard Youngblut case. The case involves two brothers, Harold and Leonard Youngblut. Their parent were Earl and Agnes Youngblut. Earl and Agnes were the parents of twelve children, three of whom predeceased them. Earl and Agnes formed a corporation, Youngblut Farmland Ltd. in 1980 and transferred most of their farm assets into the corporation with the exception of farm ground in Tama County known as the “South Farm”. Both Harold and Leonard worked for the corporation until Leonard left in 1988 over a
More Legal News & Information... →On September 25, 2019, the Iowa Court of Appeals issued a ruling in the Matter of the Estate of Freeman Adams. Freeman Adams died in December 2016. Dorothy Ruth Fisher, the sister of the decedent, petitioned in probate to open an intestate estate for the decedent. Ms. Fisher acknowledged that the decedent executed a Last Will and Testament in 2011 and asserted that such document was invalid due to lack of testamentary capacity or the product of undue influence, or both. Two beneficiaries of the Estate objected to Ms. Fisher’s petition. The facts of the case show that the decedent
More Legal News & Information... →After you have recovered from a near-death experience, what are some tasks/things you might want to consider doing promptly (not prioritized except for the first task to do). Call your mother/father assuming they too have recovered from your near-death experience. Call your favorite teacher/athletic coach/mentor and tell him/her or them how much you have appreciated her/him or them (you may need to assume that she/he or they remember you). Invite your closest friend(s) to your home and share a bottle of really good wine or really really good Scotch with her/him or them. Go to that favorite quiet place in
More Legal News & Information... →Section 633.356 of the Iowa Probate Code sets forth a provision that is often overlooked by the estate planning professionals. The provision sets forth a method to avoid probate of an estate in an item of personal property involved is valued at $25,000.00 or less. For example, a person may die with a house titled in joint tenancy with their spouse and have a life insurance policy to their spouse but have a bank account in their individual name. The house passes to the surviving spouse outside of probate due to the fact that the asset is held in joint
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