Procedure in Lieu of Conservatorship for Minors

minor guardianship des moines iowa

House File 232, which was discussed in my article of last month was signed by the Governor on June 1, 2023.  Said bill also amends Section 633.555 to provide that in situations where a conservator has not been appointed for a minor, property due to a minor, not exceeding the aggregate of $50,000.00, shall be…

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Amendment to Trust Code

iowa guardianship law

House File 232, which is currently before the Governor for signature, provides a mechanism whereby new trusts and existing trusts will have a new tool to obtain information from third parties.  The new provision allows a Trustee to present a written request to any person for the purpose to obtain information required to perform the Trustee’s duties or any information on property owned by the Trust and which is owned by the Trust Settlor at the time of death, including information about the property that has passed or will pass by beneficiary designations or joint tenancy ownership. The request must

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What is a Revocable Living Trust?

revocable living trust, living trust, estate planning des moines iowa

This month I want to introduce you to the Revocable Living Trust which is also known as a Revocable Trust, Living Trust, or Inter Vivos Trust. A Revocable Living Trust is a document which is used to manage one’s property during life and to distribute one’s property at the time of death. The person who creates the Trust is referred to as the trustor, grantor or settlor. The person who holds the property and who is in charge of the management of the Trust is the trustee. The individuals and entities which receive distributions from the Trust are the beneficiaries.

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2015 Legislative Changes Regarding Probate & Trust

inheritance tax code iowa

The 2015 Legislature recently adjourned for the year. I will summarize the major items of legislation which were passed by the House and Senate. Iowa inheritance tax changes were made in regard to bequests going to the children of step-children.   Prior to the passage of the act, there was no Iowa inheritance tax owed from bequests passing to the surviving spouse, parents, grandparents, great grandparents, children, stepchildren, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and other lineal descendants. The new Act provides that bequests passing to lineal descendants of a decedent’s stepchildren will also be exempt from Iowa inheritance tax.   The bill does not

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Directives Often Overlooked In Estate Planning, Wills, and Trusts

estate planning

Much has been written about the importance and benefits of a person having a Will or a Revocable Trust for the disposition of his or her assets, a Statutory Power of Attorney (Financial Power of Attorney), a Medical Power of Attorney, and a Declaration Concerning Life Sustaining Procedures (a Living Will). There are two other estate planning directives that often get overlooked. They are: A Testamentary Letter; Final Disposition of a Person’s Body. Iowa Code Chapter 633.276 makes provisions for a person who desires to make a specific bequest of tangible personal property may do so by signing what I

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Is It Time To Allow Post-Marital Agreements in Iowa?

Post-Marital Agreements in Iowa

Our central Iowa clients are surprised when I tell them that pre-marital agreements are allowed in Iowa but post-marital agreements are not. The Iowa Legislature is considering legislation this year authorizing post-marital agreements in Iowa. The ban on post-marital agreements goes back to the early 1900’s. In the early 1900’s, a woman upon marriage was simply presumed to be merged into her husband and become one with him. Contrary to the laws of most states, in Iowa it is impossible for a husband and wife to contract with each other after marriage. The Iowa Supreme Court has upheld the ban

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