Last month the Internal Revenue Service issued a proposed regulation addressing large gifts made prior to 2026. The basic exclusion amount for estate or gift tax for the year 2017 was $5,490,000.00. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act increased the basic exclusion amount from 5 million to 10 million for tax years 2018 through 2025 with both dollar amounts adjusted for inflation. For the year 2018 the basic exclusion amount adjusted for inflation is $11,180,000.00 million. For 2019 the basic exclusion amount adjusted for inflation is $11,400,000.00. Under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in the year 2026,
More Legal News & Information... →Many individuals regularly make gifts to qualified organizations to receive tax-deductible contributions. Pursuant to the IRS rules, a taxpayer who makes a single donation of $250.00 or more to a qualified charity must have an written acknowledgement from the Organization for each single donation of $250.00 or more or an written acknowledgement from the Organization setting out the date and amount of each contribution in excess of $250.00. The $250.00 amount set out above does not mean that you add up all contributions to see if you reach the $250.00 limit. The $250.00 threshold is only reached when you make
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